Installing GridAPPS-D

Clone the GridAPPS-D Docker repository

Disconnect from your corporate/laboratory VPN (if applicable) and open the Ubuntu terminal:


Clone the GridAPPS-D repository:

git clone


Install the GridAPPS-D Docker Containers

Change directories into the gridappsd-docker folder and start the latest stable release of the GridAPPS-D platform.

  • cd gridappsd-docker

  • ./


It is possible to specify a particular release tag using the -t option and the release tag

  • ./ -t develop - use the develop branch with latest beta features

  • ./ -t releases_2021.04.0 - use the April 2021 release

  • ./ -t releases_2020.09.0 - use the September 2020 release

A complete set of releases is available in the Platform Release History


Wait for the platform to download the required docker containers. This is a very large package and will take several minutes.


After the containers have finished downloading, they will automatically be created and then launched:


Launch the GridAPPS-D Platform

When all the containers are running, the terminal will move inside the docker enviroment, which has its own internal directories and path.

Start the GridAPPS-D platform inside the docker container by running



The GridAPPS-D platform is now installed and running.

To confirm, open localhost:8080 to access the GridAPPS-D Visualization App:


Known Issues around Corporate VPN Connectivity

There is a known issue around WSL2 and Virtualbox VM compatibility with corporate VPNs.

If your machine was connected to a corporate VPN during setup, the Doman Name Server (DNS) lookup address is set to that of your corporate intranet. To reset it, open an ubuntu session and edit the resolv.conf file

  • sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

  • comment out existing nameserver address

  • add new line with nameserver

  • save file and restart terminal
