Installing GridAPPSD-Python and Notebook Tutorials

Quick Installation

Clone the GridAPPSD-Training Repository and run the ./ script

  • git clone

  • cd gridappsd-training

  • ./

Accept the user terms for Miniconda and Jupyterlab.

After completion, the JupyterLab server will be running in a virtual environment with the training notebooks



To start the jupyter notebooks at a later time, change directories into gridappsd-training and run the ./ script:

  • cd gridappsd-training

  • ./

Manual Installation

Install Anaconda or Miniconda

If not pip is not installed, use apt-get to install it.

  • sudo apt-get install python-pip


Download the latest version of Anaconda or Miniconda and save it in the /Downloads folder:

Install Miniconda using bash

  • cd /Downloads

  • bash


Follow the prompts on the installer screens. If you are unsure about any setting, accept the defaults. You can change them later. To make the changes take effect, close and then re-open your terminal window.

Test your installation. In your terminal window or Anaconda Prompt, run the command conda list. A list of installed packages appears if it has been installed correctly

Install GridAPPSD-Python

Use pip to install GridAPPSD-Python, which is need to pass API Calls to GridAPPS-D platform using the GridAPPSD-Python library methods:

  • pip install gridappsd-python


Install Jupyter Lab

Use pip to install Jupyter Lab, which is need to open and execute the Python Training Notebooks:

  • pip install jupyterlab


Download Python Notebooks

The Jupyter / iPython training notebooks are the source materials for the GridAPPS-D ReadTheDocs website.

The notebooks include all the code examples and sample app materials in a format that can connect to a local GridAPPS-D platform session and interact in real-time with simulations in real-time.

Clone the python notebooks in the GridAPPSD-Training repository by running

  • git clone

By default, the notebooks will be saved in the directory gridappsd-training


Clone the python notebooks in the GridAPPSD-Training repository by running

  • git clone

Start the Jupyter notebooks running on port 8890 (to avoid port sharing conflict with the GridAPPS-D Blazegraph database container):

jupyter notebook --port 8890

If running on a remote server (e.g. AWS cloud or university / laboratory server farm), start the notebooks by running

jupyter notebook --port 8890 --no-browser --ip=''

Port Sharing between GridAPPS-D and Jupyter

By default, both Jupyter and the GridAPPS-D Blazegraph database use port 8889. If a Jupyter notebook is already running on port 8889, the Blazegraph database container will fail to start.

It is recommended to specify manually that Jupyter run on a different port:

jupyter notebook --port 8890
