Installing GridAPPS-D

Clone the GridAPPS-D Repository

Clone the GridAPPS-D GitHub repository

git clone


Install Docker

The GridAPPS-D repository includes a Docker installation script. This script only works for native linux environments (not WSL2).

Change directories into gridapps-docker and run the Docker installation script

  • cd gridappsd-docker

  • ./


Install GridAPPS-D

After Docker finishes installing, log out or restart the Ubuntu session.

After logging back in, change directories into gridappsd-docker and start the latest stable version of the GridAPPS-D platform, which will automatically download the required docker containers.

  • cd gridappsd-docker

  • ./

To install a particular release, specify the release tag using the -t option:

  • ./ -t develop – Install latest develop version with beta features

  • ./ -t releases_2021.04.0 – Install April 2021 release

  • ./ -t releases_2020.09.0 – Install September 2020 release


Wait for the docker containers to finish downloading. This will take a while due to the package size.


When the containers have finished downloading and installing, start the GridAPPS-D Platform

  • ./


The GridAPPS-D platform is now installed and running.

To confirm, open localhost:8080 to access the GridAPPS-D Viz

