Starting Service

Start the docker container services

  • Note that this documentation is based on develop tag

gridappsd@gridappsd-VirtualBox:~/gridappsd-docker$ ./ -t develop
The does the following
  • download the mysql dump file

  • download the blazegraph data

  • start the docker containers

  • ingest the blazegraph data

  • connect to the gridappsd container

The message in the container looks something like this:

Starting gridappsddocker_redis_1 ...
Starting gridappsddocker_proven_1 ...
Starting gridappsddocker_blazegraph_1 ...
Starting gridappsddocker_influxdb_1 ...
Starting gridappsddocker_mysql_1 ... done
Starting gridappsddocker_gridappsd_1 ... done
Starting gridappsddocker_wsu_res_app_1 ...
Starting gridappsddocker_wsu_res_app_1 ... done

Getting blazegraph status

Checking blazegraph data

Blazegrpah data available (1954268)

Getting viz status

Containers are running

Connecting to the gridappsd container
docker exec -it gridappsddocker_gridappsd_1 /bin/bash


Restoration application container

gridappsd@gridappsd-VirtualBox:~/WSU-Restoration$ docker exec -it gridappsddocker_wsu_res_app_1 bash
  • This will take you inside the application container.


At this point, we should have two terminal open with gridappsd-docker container and restoration application terminal.

  • Installing CPLEX in container

  • Note that the installation command can be written inside the Dockerfile beforehand. However, we do the installation here manually before starting the platform.

root@1b762c641f24:/usr/src/gridappsd-restoration# cd /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio129/cplex/python/3.6/x86-64_linux/
root@1b762c641f24:/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio129/cplex/python/3.6/x86-64_linux# python install
  • ATTENTION: It is required that the application container has the python version compatible with the CPLEX. For example, CPLEX_STUDIO129 requires python 3.6. Thus, Python3.6 should be made available in the application container.

Executing the application container

  • Now, get back to the path where application is mounted.

root@1b762c641f24:/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio129/cplex/python/3.6/x86-64_linux# cd /usr/src/gridappsd-restoration
  • The following runs the application from terminal

root@1b762c641f24:/usr/src/gridappsd-restoration# cd Restoration
root@1b762c641f24:/usr/src/gridappsd-restoration/Restoration# python [simulation_ID] '{"power_system_config":  {"Line_name":"_AAE94E4A-2465-6F5E-37B1-3E72183A4E44"}}'
  • Running application from the terminal requires Simulation_ID. To get the correct Simulatio_ID, we need to start the platform through the browser. This will be explained in detail in the next section (Visualization).

Starting GridAPPS-D Platform

  • Start the platform from the gridappsd-docker container

gridappsd@78a3d22dd2b9:/gridappsd$ ./
  • Following message can be seen at the end of running terminal. This confirms, the platform is running and we can start the application from the browser.

Registering user roles: application2 --  application
Registering user roles: application1 --  application
Registering user roles: operator3 --  operator
Registering user roles: operator2 --  operator
Registering user roles: evaluator2 --  evaluator,operator
Registering user roles: operator1 --  operator
Registering user roles: evaluator1 --  evaluator,operator
Registering user roles: testmanager2 --  testmanager
Registering user roles: testmanager1 --  testmanager
Registering user roles: service2 --  service
Registering user roles: --
Registering user roles: service1 --  service
{"id":"WSU_restoration","description":"Resilient Restoration Application","creator":"WSU","inputs":[],"outputs":[],"options":["(simulationId)","\u0027(request)\u0027"],"execution_path":"python /usr/src/gridappsd-restoration/Restoration/","type":"REMOTE","launch_on_startup":false,"prereqs":["gridappsd-voltage-violation","gridappsd-alarms"],"multiple_instances":true}